Future Relics (2018)
Inspired by the approach of archaeology, I value plastic in the sea as future relics of today’s utensils. The cyanotype technique was originally used to make actual size contact prints of plants, like seaweed. Now, I use this technique for plastic waste to emphasize the organic shapes, caused by long presence in the sea. By reproducing every single object I find, I try to get grip on the huge amount of plastic in the sea. While doing this project I realized that we only add to the mass and that plastic made in the 50’s still exists. Plastic fades in colour and breaks up in tiny pieces, but will remain forever.

Future Relics - Publication

This pre-production dummy was printed in edition of 60 on the occasion of NOUN exhibition ‘Good Work’, The Hague (NL).
Design in collaboration with Elena Kostenko.
Future Relics - Postcard

Map of the World, postcard.
Collection - Dutch Ministry of Forreign Affairs
18 works from Future Relics are now part of the collection of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be hanging in Dutch embassies abroad! See all the works here.