De Kaapse Bossen
On the 22nd of May it is the International Day for Biological Diversity. This is celebrated by the opening of Suzette Bousema’s exhibition in Dutch National park De Kaapse Bossen. Photographs from her project ‘Super Organism’, about the below-ground fungal network, will be shown on large semi-transparent fabrics, hanging between the trees. From parking lot ‘Groene Entree’, walk towards watchtower ‘De Kaap’ and you will find them along the path!
For more information about ‘Super Organism’, click here.
When: 22 May - 11 Juli 2021
Where: De Kaapse Bossen, Groene Entree (Doorn)
This exhibition is in collaboration with Natuurmonumenten. Special thanks to soil scientist Nadia Soudzilovskaia and PhD student Riccardo Mancinelli.

‘Expositie van superschimmels in de Kaapse Bossen’,
‘Bijzondere tentoonstelling in de Kaapse Bossen‘, Nationaal Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug
‘Schimmelnetwerken op doeken in bos’, De Telegraaf (z.o.z.)